Merge Patient
Merge Patient Test Cases
1. Merge Patient
1. Ensure that your database is cleared of the patient names and identifiers in the specified domains used in this test case.
2. Your PIX Manager needs to be configured to support the following assigning authority domains:
The PIX Manager is configured to handle these domains:
The purpose is to check that your PIX Manager can merge two existing patient when it receives a merge message (ADT^A40^ADT_A39).
The patient WASHINGTON^MARY registers in domain NIST2010 with the id MW-10001. The same patient, with the same demographics registers in domain IHE2010 with the id MW-20002. Later, the patient LINCOLN^MARY registers in domain NIST2010 with the id ML-30003. LINCOLN MARY and WASHINGTON MARY are in fact the same person: WASHINGTON is a maiden name. Someone notices that WASHINGTON and LINCOLN refer to the same person in domain NIST2010 and a merge message (ADT^A40^ADT_A39) is sent to correct that. WASHINGTON is merged with LINCOLN, LINCOLN is the remaining record. The domain IHE2010 has no direct knowledge of the merge. Your PIX Manager should maintain the link for this patient between domains NIST2010 and IHE2010. The NIST PIX Consumer sends a query to request corresponding id for patient WASHINGTON MARY (MW-20002). Your PIX Manager shall return the remaining id for LINCOLN (ML-30003) in domain NIST2010.
Test Steps Description:
Step 1: WASHINGTON registers in domain NIST2010 with ID MW-10001
Step 2: WASHINGTON registers in domain IHE2010 with ID MW-20002
Step 3: WASHINGTON marries, takes on the name LINCOLN and changes address at the same time. A new A04 registration message is sent in domain NIST2010 with ID ML-30003 (because she forgot to tell the administrator of her name change). This registration message is for LINCOLN with a new address but same DOB and other demographics.
Step 4: Someone recognizes the mistake and merges the records MW-10001 and ML-30003 in domain NIST2010. LINCOLN (ML-30003) is the remaining record. The PIX Manager should maintain the link between WASHINGTON in domain IHE2010 and LINCOLN in domain NIST2010.
Step 5: The domain IHE2010 has no direct knowledge of the merge. A query from domain IHE2010 is made with the ID for WASHINGTON (MW-20002). The PIX manager shall return the remaining ID for LINCOLN (ML-30003) in domain NIST2010.
Step 1:
Register Patient WASHINGTON^MARY with ID MW-10001 in domain NIST2010
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101161058||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|NIST-101101161058473|P|2.3.1 EVN||20101020 PID|||MW-10001^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.||WASHINGTON^MARY^^^^^L||19771208|F|||100 JORIE BLVD^^CHICAGO^IL^60523||||||||100-09-1234 PV1||O
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113150546-0500||ACK^A04|c0a802a213afb60a6473|P|2.3.1 MSA|AA|NIST-101101161058473
Step 2:
Register Patient WASHINGTON^MARY with ID MW-20002 in domain IHE2010
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101161108||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|NIST-101101161108875|P|2.3.1 EVN||20101020 PID|||MW-20002^^^IHE2010&||WASHINGTON^MARY^^^^^L||19771208|F|||100 JORIE BLVD^^CHICAGO^IL^60523||||||||100-09-1234 PV1||O
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113150601-0500||ACK^A04|c0a802a213afb60e3ec3|P|2.3.1 MSA|AA|NIST-101101161108875
Step 3:
Register Patient LINCOLN^MARY with ID ML-30003 in domain NIST2010.
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101161119||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|NIST-101101161119698|P|2.3.1 EVN||20101020 PID|||ML-30003^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.||LINCOLN^MARY^^^^^L||19771208|F|||JEAN JAQUES BLVD^^NEW YORK^NY^60001||||||||100-09-1234 PV1||O
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113150631-0500||ACK^A04|c0a802a213afb6157e01|P|2.3.1 MSA|AA|NIST-101101161119698
Step 4:
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101161122||ADT^A40^ADT_A39|NIST-101101161122806|P|2.3.1 EVN||20101020 PID|||ML-30003^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.||LINCOLN^MARY^^^^^L||19771208|F|||JEAN JAQUES BLVD^^NEW YORK^NY^60001||||||||100-09-1234 MRG|MW-10001^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113150652-0500||ACK^A40|c0a802a213afb61a9981|P|2.3.1 MSA|AA|NIST-101101161122806
Step 5:
Query for corresponding ids in NIST2010 for the patient with ID MW-20002 in domain IHE2010
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101161123||QBP^Q23^QBP_Q21|NIST-101101161123790|P|2.5 QPD|IHE PIX Query|QRY1243523037937|MW-20002^^^IHE2010&|^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. RCP|I
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113150715-0500||RSP^K23^RSP_K23|c0a802a213afb6202663|P|2.5 MSA|AA|NIST-101101161123790 QAK|QRY1243523037937|OK QPD|IHE PIX Query|QRY1243523037937|MW-20002^^^IHE2010&|^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. PID|||ML-30003^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.^PI||~^^^^^^S