PIX/PDQ HL7v3 Requirements Overview

PIX/PDQ HL7v3 Requirements Overview

PIX/PDQ HL7v3 Requirements Overview

This page describes the requirements for the HL7v3 version of the PIX and PDQ profiles. The information presented here comes from the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Volume 2b document but this page only provides the highlights of the specification for the purpose of giving an overview of the requirements to make understanding the test cases easier. The full specifications are available in the original document.

The figure below illustrates the actors involved in the Patient Identity Cross-referencing (PIX) Profile.

  • The Patient Identity Source provides notification to the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager for any patient identification related events including: creation, updates, merges, etc. The corresponding HL7v3 application role is Patient Registry Informer (PRPA_AR201301UV02).
  • The Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager serves a well-defined set of Patient Identification Domains. Based on information provided in each Patient Identification Domain by a Patient Identification Source Actor, it manages the cross-referencing of patient identifiers across Patient Identification Domains. The corresponding HL7v3 application role is Patient Registry Tracker (PRPA_AR201302UV02)

The following interaction diagram illustrates the interaction between the actors in the processing of these transactions:

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