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Setting up Notifications Using RabbitMQ

Installation of the RabbitMQ Broker

The first step in the installation of the message service is to download and install the latest RabbitMQ messaging service. The latest version of RabbitMQ you have tested is 3.7.5. We won't describe the installation process for RabbitMQ here but we refer you to the official documentation page here. The RabbitMQ documentation online is excellent and describes in detail the installation process for the RabbitMQ message broker on a number of different platforms.

Configuration of the RabbitMQ Broker

Once you have installed your instance of RabbitMQ broker, the next step is to configure the user account, virtual host and exchange required for OpenEMPI to integrate with the broker.

  • Create an account for a user that OpenEMPI will use to interact with the broker. We assume that the username for the account is "openempi" but you can use any username.
  • Create a virtual host on the RabbitMQ broker for OpenEMPI to use. The virtual host provides isolation and security between different applications that make use of a single broker and OpenEMPI assumes that you have a separate vhost for its use. We assume that the virtual host for OpenEMPI is called "/openempi". Make sure that user "openempi" has access to the new virtual host "/openempi"


  • Create an exchange of type "topic" that is durable for use by OpenEMPI and its consumers. We assume the exchange is called "openempi" and is created on the "/openempi" vhost as shown in the figure below.

  • The last step in the configuration is to create the appropriate queues and bind them to the "openempi exchange. The table below shows the name of the queues that OpenEMPI uses when sending out messages and you want to connect to the appropriate queue or queues to receive the messages you are interested in.
Queue NameDescription of messages sent to this Queue
addSends a message when a new record is added along with the record that was added
deleteSends a message when an existing record is deleted along with the record that was deleted
importSends a message when a new record is imported along with the record that was imported
mergeSends a message when two records are merged along with the records that were merged
updateSends a message when an existing record is updated along with the record that was updated
identifierUpdateSends a message when a records global identifier was modified. This occurs when two or more records are linked or unlinked


Configuration of OpenEMPI

This section describes how the configuration of OpenEMPI needs to be modified to support integration with the RabbitMQ broker.


You must first stop the server before performing these changes.

  • First you must activate the rabbitmq broker adapter module by adding or uncommenting the rabbitmq-adapter module line in the file and make sure that the default notification server module is deactivated. The file is in the conf directory of your OpenEMPI installation. You can see what the configuration file should look like below.
Code Block
  • Next you must plugin the appropriate notification service implementation in your OpenEMPI instance. This consists of disabling the default notification service implementation. To do this you need to modify the applicationContext-service.xml file which is also in the conf directory of your OpenEMPI installation. You need to find the line that points to the default implementation of the service and disable it by renaming it from "notificationService" to "defaultNotificationService".

Before the change the line should look like the following line:

Code Block
<bean id="notificationService" class="org.openhie.openempi.notification.impl.DefaultNotificationService">
After the change the line should look like the following line:
Code Block
<bean id="defaultNotificationService" class="org.openhie.openempi.notification.impl.DefaultNotificationService">




