Pdq Query Case2: Data Found Exact Match Single Domain
1. Data Found Exact Match Single Domain
1. The PDQ Supplier is configured to send and receive demographics in a single domain: NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.
2. The following patient has been loaded into the PDQ Supplier:
Test case ITI-21-Query-Case2-Data-Found-Exact-Match-Single-Domain covers the PDQ Query Case 2. You need to have loaded the set of patients indicated in the pre-conditions into your system before running this test. The purpose of the test is to confirm that your PDQ Supplier supports the multiple query parameters. QPD-8 is populated with the domain NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.
The following query is tested:
1. Query on the patient first and last name
Test Steps Description:
Step 1: The NIST PDQ Consumer sends a query message (QBP^Q22) to ask for the demographics of all patients with a patient name GERALD BXRACK using NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. in QPD-8. Your PDQ Supplier shall answer correctly to the query with the demographics of patient GERALD BXRACK in domain NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.
Step 1:
Query for demographics with criteria PID.5.1.1=BXRACK and PID.5.2=GERALD
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101103152224||QBP^Q22^QBP_Q21|NIST-101103152224809|D|2.5 QPD|IHE PDQ Query|QRY1184848949494|@PID.5.1.1^BXRACK~@PID.5.2^GERALD|||||^^^NIST2010 RCP|I
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_PD_SUPPLIER|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121115111540-0500||RSP^K22^RSP_K21|c0a802a213b04dab55b3|P|2.5 MSA|AA|NIST-101103152224809 QAK|QRY1184848949494|OK||1|1|0 QPD|IHE PDQ Query|QRY1184848949494|@PID.5.1.1^BXRACK~@PID.5.2^GERALD|||||^^^NIST2010 PID|1||GB-481^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.^PI||BXRACK^GERALD|MCGEEX|19800130|M|||3005 Tori Lane^^SALT LAKE CITY^UT^84104|||||||5819980|647-80-8974