Manage Roles

Manage Roles

A role is a functional grouping of capabilities and privileges.  The Manage Roles view  provides a way to specify which permission each role has in the system and establishes the association between a role and one or more permissions.

From OpenEMPI top menu Security, select Manage Roles menu item.  The Manage Roles page will be displayed.

Adding Roles

To add a new role, click on Add Role button. A Add Role dialog box will popup and lists the predefined individual permissions that a user may have. Permissions for the new role can be selected by checking the box in the permission list view.

Editing Roles

To edit a role, select the role from role list grid then click on Edit Role button. A Edit Role dialog box will popup to show the role name and the individual permissions that current role have. After re-select the permissions for the role, click Update button to edit the role.

Removing Roles

To delete a role, select the role from role list grid then click on Delete Role button. A Delete Role dialog box will popup to show the role name and the individual permissions that current role have.  If the Delete button is clicked, the confirm delete information box will be displayed to let you confirm the role is the right role you want to delete then click Yes button to real delete the role.