Person Query Resource Documentation
Person Query Resource Documentation
Person Query Resource Documentation
This is the top-level page for the documentation of the individual methods that are accessible through the Person Query Resource.
NOTE: This Resource has been deprecated as of version 3.5.0 of OpenEMPI and will be removed in a later major version of OpenEMPI. Please use the Entity REST API in its place.
- findGenderByCode
- findGenderByName
- findIdentifierDomain
- findLinkedPersons
- findMatchingPersonsByAttributes
- findPersonById
- findPersonsByAttributes
- findPersonsByAttributesPaged
- findPersonsById
- findRaceByCode
- findRaceByName
- getGlobalIdentifierById
- getIdentifierDomainAttribute
- getIdentifierDomainAttributes
- getIdentifierDomains
- getIdentifierDomainTypeCodes
- getPersonLinks
- getPersonModelAllAttributeNames
- getPersonModelAttributeNames
- getPersonModelCustomAttributeNames
- getSingleBestRecord
- getSingleBestRecords
- loadAllPersonsPaged
- loadAllUnreviewedPersonLinks
- loadPerson
- loadPersons
- loadReviewRecordPair
- loadUnreviewedPersonLinks