Update and Link
Update and Link Test Cases
1. Update and Link
1. Ensure that your database is cleared of the patient names and identifiers in the specified domains used in this test case.
2. Your PIX Manager needs to be configured to support the following assigning authority domains:
      The PIX Manager is configured to handle these domains:
Test case ITI-8-Update-and-Link covers PIX Patient Feed, the update (ADT^A08) message, and PIX queries. Patient TAU^TERI (ID=TT444) is registered in domain NIST2010 with "correct" demographics. The same patient is then registered in domain IHE2010 with incorrect demographics; the name is spelled wrong (TOW^T; ID=TT888) and the DOB is wrong. The demographics are sufficiently different that a Cross Reference Manager should not link these two records. A query is made to confirm that the records are not linked.
A patient update message is sent for the patient in domain IHE2010 that should synchronize the demographics as found in NIST2010. That is, patient TOW is updated to TAU with the DOB also corrected. The Cross Reference Manager should now link the two records. A query is made to confirm that the records are linked.
Test Steps Description:
Step 1: The NIST PIX Source sends a registration message (ADT^A04) to register patient TERI TAU in domain NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. Patient ID is TT444. Your PIX Manager shall register the patient and send a correct ACK message back.
Step 2: The NIST PIX Source sends a registration message (ADT^A04) to register patient T TOW in domain IHE2010& Patient ID is TT888. Your PIX Manager shall register the patient and send a correct ACK message back.
Step 3: The NIST PIX Consumer sends a query message (QBP^Q23) to ask for T TOW''s ID in domain NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. using her id TT888 in domain IHE2010& The query should not find patient with id TT444 in domain NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.
Step 4: Update Patient TOW^T to TAU^TERI. The DOB is also updated. The patients should now be linked.
Step 5: The NIST PIX Consumer sends a query message (QBP^Q23) to ask for TAU TERI''s ID in domain NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. using her id TT888 in domain IHE2010& Your PIX Manager shall answer correctly to the query with TAU TERI''s ID TT444 in domain NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.     Â
Step 1:
Register Patient TAU^TERI with ID TT444 in domain NIST2010
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101160829||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|NIST-101101160828977|P|2.3.1 EVN||20101020 PID|||TT444^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.||TAU^TERI^^^^^L||19780515|F|||202 KEN HABOR^^NEW YORK CITY^NY^61000||||||||361-21-2345 PV1||O
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113130345-0500||ACK^A04|c0a802a213afaf0f2b13|P|2.3.1 MSA|AA|NIST-101101160828977
Step 2:
Register Patient TOW^T with ID TT888 in domain IHE2010
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101160839||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|NIST-101101160839347|P|2.3.1 EVN||20101020 PID|||TT888^^^IHE2010&||TOW^T^^^^^L||19790515|F|||202 KEN HABOR^^NEW YORK CITY^NY^61000||||||||361-21-2345 PV1||O
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113130408-0500||ACK^A04|c0a802a213afaf14a953|P|2.3.1 MSA|AA|NIST-101101160839347
Step 3:
Query for corresponding ids in NIST2010 for the patient with ID TT888 in domain IHE2010
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101160840||QBP^Q23^QBP_Q21|NIST-101101160840581|P|2.5 QPD|IHE PIX Query|QRY1243438786881|TT888^^^IHE2010&|^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. RCP|I
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113130428-0500||RSP^K23^RSP_K23|c0a802a213afaf19ae21|P|2.5 MSA|AA|NIST-101101160840581 QAK|QRY1243438786881|NF QPD|IHE PIX Query|QRY1243438786881|TT888^^^IHE2010&|^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.
Step 4:
Update Patient TOW^T to TAU^TERI
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101160850||ADT^A08^ADT_A01|NIST-101101160850701|P|2.3.1 EVN||20101020 PID|||TT888^^^IHE2010&||TAU^TERI^^^^^L||19780515|F|||202 KEN HABOR^^NEW YORK CITY^NY^61000||||||||361-21-2345 PV1||R
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113130454-0500||ACK^A08|c0a802a213afaf1fe9c1|P|2.3.1 MSA|AA|NIST-101101160850701
Step 5:
Query for corresponding ids in NIST2010 for the patient with ID TT888 in domain IHE2010
MSH|^~\&|NIST_SENDER^^|NIST^^|NIST_RECEIVER^^|NIST^^|20101101160851||QBP^Q23^QBP_Q21|NIST-101101160851951|D|2.5 QPD|IHE PIX Query|QRY1243447041583|TT888^^^IHE2010&|^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. RCP|I
The response message is:
MSH|^~\&|MESA_XREF|XYZ_HOSPITAL|NIST_SENDER|NIST|20121113130523-0500||RSP^K23^RSP_K23|c0a802a213afaf2706d3|P|2.5 MSA|AA|NIST-101101160851951 QAK|QRY1243447041583|OK QPD|IHE PIX Query|QRY1243447041583|TT888^^^IHE2010&|^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883. PID|||TT444^^^NIST2010&2.16.840.1.113883.^PI||~^^^^^^S