The unlinkPersons method removes the link between the two records that are currently linked together into a single cluster. The second entry referenced in the link is removed from the cluster. If the cluster only has the two records identified by the link parameter than the operation of the method is simple. If the cluster consists of more than two records, then the first record in the pair continues to be associated with the other records in the cluster and only the edges that keep the second node linked to the complete graph are removed in addition to the link explicitly specified in the parameter.
For example, say we have records A, B, and C linked together. This implies that there are three links in the repository that maintain this relationship {(A,B), (A,C), (B,C)}. If the caller specifies that link (A,B) must be removed. then edge (A,C) will remain after the operation but links (A,B) and (B,C) will be eliminated to make sure that node B is removed from the cluster.
The method uses the PUT HTML method.
The input to the method is PersonLink which must provide either the unique id of the link that must be removed or references to the two person records that must be unlinked
The output is void if the two persons unlinked or throw an response status as Not Modified