Home Page

Home Page

Once you successfully authenticate with the application, you will be presented with the Home page. The Home Page has a navigation menu on the left hand side as well as a few buttons at the top right of the page. Depending on the size of your screen, the navigation menu will either be automatically expanded if the screen is large enough or you will need to press the button with the Hamburger icon at the top left hand corner to cause it to expand.

The navigation menu on the left hand side of the page provides access to all of the functionality available in the Administrative Console application. The figure below illustrates the navigation menu and the options that are currently available through. There is a separate page of documentation dedicated to each of the options in the menu below. Some of the menu options have a down arrow icon to their right, indicating that there are sub-menu options available for them. Pressing the menu button for those options causes the sub-menu options to expand.

On the top right corner of the Home page are three buttons as shown below. The first button provides access to the “Update Profile” page, the second button is the “Entity Selection” button, and the third button allows you to logout from the application. The functionality associated with each of the first two buttons is explained in more detail below.

Update Profile Page

The “Update Profile” page allows you to view and change the information associated with your account. You can also use this page to change the password associated with your account. The “Update Page” does not give you the ability to change the permissions associated with your account and that can only be done through the User Management pages.

Entity Selection

The “Entity Selection” button allows you to change the currently active entity on the system. OpenEMPI allows you to support multiple entities on a single instance of the software. Many of the functions available on the Administrative Console operate on the currently active entity and the “Entity Selection” button allows you to select which entity is currently active.


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