Matching Page

Matching Page

The Matching menu option presents either one or two sub-menu options depending on which matching algorithm is currently configured on your instance. The Deterministic Matching algorithm presents a single option that allows you to configure the settings of the algorithm whereas the Probabilistic Matching algorithm, in addition to a configuration page, also provides a page for reviewing probable links. The details of how to configure the matching algorithms are described in detail on the customer support portal.

Starting with version 4.3.3 of OpenEMPI, you have the option to override the matching algorithm settings for the currently selected entity with those of another entity. This feature makes it easy to configure a new entity that has a similar data model as an existing entity by simply copying the configuration settings from the existing entity. To replace the configuration settings of the current entity, select the Replace Configuration option from the More Options menu.


The dialog that pops-up, allows you to select the entity that will be the source of the configuration information for the currently selected entity.