Data Profiles Page

Data Profiles Page

The Data Profiles page provides the ability to view the results of data profiling requests. A data profile is a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the data set stored in the repository for a particular entity. The data profile provides valuable information about the statistical characteristics of your data set that can be used in the initial configuration of the algorithms and in monitoring the change of those characteristics over time. The table lists the data profile requests on your instance including the entity against which the data profile was generated, the date the data profile request was initiated and the date the data profile request processing completed. You can initiate the generation of a data profile against the currently active entity by clicking on the first button at the top right corner of the Data Profile Viewer table. You will need to confirm the request before it is actually initiated.

Checking the checkbox to the left of a data profile request entry causes a button bar to emerge from the bottom of the screen. The button bar provides options to view the details of the selected data profile or to delete the data associated with the data from the repository. Each data profile consists of a considerable amount of data especially in instances with many millions of records in the repository for a given instance so it is important that you periodically delete old data profiles.


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