Audit Logs Page

Audit Logs Page

The Audit Logs Page provides access to the audit logs viewer where you can review audit messages that have been generated by your instance. Every event that involves records that have been added to your instance for de-duplication is recorded in the audit logs although the auditing of requests to view records is disabled by default.

You can filter the set of messages that you want to review by the audit event type, the start date and and the end date. You can select one or more event types for filtering purposes and you can include or exclude a particular event type from the multiple selection by clicking on that type in the drop-down. Pressing the search button initiates the search and any audit events that match the search criteria will be presented in the table at the lower part of the page.

The buttons at the top right corner of the Search Results table allow you to perform operations against the set of audit events that matched the search criteria. The first button lets you download the audit events in the form of a CSV file. The second buttons lets you print the results on a local printer. The third button lets you select which columns should be visible in the table and the fourth button lets you filter the results using specific values for the filtering fields. Each audit events includes a reference to the record or records that were affected by the operation. The reference takes the form of the unique record ID of the affected record. For example, an audit event of type “Add Record” includes a reference to the record that was added and an audit event of type “Link Records” includes references to the two records that were linked together. You can inspect the affected record by clicking on the reference chip.

For example, clicking on the reference chip with the record ID 1645 brings up the record dialog shown below.