User Files Page

User Files Page

The User Files page provides access to user file management functionality. You can use this page to upload data or schema files to the server or to import data onto the repository. The most efficient method for loading a large number of records onto your instance is by importing the data from a file.

Before you can import data on the instance you must first upload your data file to the server. To upload a file to the server simply drag the file to the upload area in the bottom of the page, or click the “here” link to browse through your local directory for the file that you would like to upload.

Once the file has been uploaded, you can import it onto your server by first checking the box next to the file you want to upload. This will bring up the button bar at the bottom of the screen with the “Import” and “Delete” user file entry options. If the file that you have upload is an entity schema file that you exported through the Entity page, make sure you mark the user file entry to be of entity type. You do that by checking the checkbox in the “Entity?” column of the user file entry.

Pressing the “Import” button will bring up the “Import User File” dialog where you specify the options that control the file import process. The options are described in detail in the page for the Flexible File loader.

The “Delete” button allows you to delete a file entry from the list.