Users Page

Users Page

The Users Page allows you to create accounts for users that have access to your OpenEMPI instance. When you create an account you can select the specific roles that a user has in order to restrict the functions that a specific user can perform on your instance.

The Users Pages lists all the users that are currently defined on your instance including their username, first and last name and their email address. Checking the box to the left of a user entry causes a button bar to emerge from the bottom of the screen that provides you with options to either edit or delete a user entry.

You can add a new user to your instance by pressing the “Add User” button at the top right corner of the screen. Pressing the button will bring up the Add User page shown below. The required fields are marked with an asterisk ‘*' character after the field name. By optionally associating an identifier domain with a user account you enable a feature that restricts the user to only having the ability to review probable links between records with identifiers from the specified identifier domain. You must assign at least one role to a user account otherwise they won’t have the permission to perform any functions on the instance.


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