Starting and Stopping OpenEMPI

Starting and Stopping OpenEMPI

Starting and Stopping OpenEMPI

Whether you are using the embedded version of Tomcat in the most recent releases of OpenEMPI or using an instance of Tomcat you have manually installed and configured, the following approach will allow you to start the OpenEMPI instance. In the instructions below we assume that you have followed the installation instructions for the software distribution and are using the embedded version of Tomcat. We further assume that the installation directory is /sysnet/openempi/openempi-VERSION, where VERSION represents the version of the software you are using (e.g.: VERSION = 3.5.2)


To start the server, simply use the following commands.

cd /sysnet/openempi/openempi-3.5.2


You can stop the server using the shutdown command in a similar manner.

cd /sysnet/openempi/openempi-3.5.2


You can check the log file to ensure that the system properly started or was properly shutdown. The main log file is stored in $OPENEMPI_HOME/logs

If we have installed a systemd script for OpenEMPI on your instance then you should use systemctl to start and stop the server.

To start the server, use the following command:

sudo systemctl start openempi.service


To stop the server, use the command:


sudo systemctl stop openempi.service


You can also check on the status of the server using the command:

sudo systemctl status openempi.service

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