Job Queue Page

Job Queue Page

OpenEMPI performs various tasks that involve the processing of large amounts of data in the background using background jobs. For example, importing data from a file is processed via a background job. The Job Queue page provides an interface for viewing the current status of background jobs. The Job Queue table lists all the jobs that have been registered on the system including information on the job type, and the date and time that the job was created, started and deleted.

Checking the checkbox to the left of a job queue entry causes a button bar to emerge from the bottom of the screen. The button bar provides options to view the details of the selected job queue entry or to delete the job queue entry from the repository. Clicking on the view button takes you to the View Job Entry page that presents details about the selected background job. Deleting a job entry, requires that you accept the confirmation before the job entry is actually deleted from the system.


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