Generate Reports Page

Generate Reports Page

As the title implies, this page allows you to generate reports on the data in the repository or on the activity that has taken place over time. The Report Generation table lists all the report definitions that have been loaded on your instance. Each entry includes the report type ID, the name of the report and a brief description on what information the report presents once it is generated.

To generate a new report simply check the checkbox to the left of the report type you want to generate. This will cause a button bar to emerge from the bottom of the screen. You can now press the Generate button to initiate the generation of the new report. Some reports require that you provide the values for certain parameters such as the start date of the records that must be presented on the report. In those case, the Report Parameters dialog will pop-up and prompt you to enter the required parameter values, as in the example below. Once you have entered the values for the parameters, you can press the Save button to initiate the report generation process. Since some reports may take a while to be generated, the generation is done as a background process. You can check on the status of a report request and view the resulting report in the View Reports page.


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